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Joined 24 May 2014
Revision as of 11:18, 1 August 2014 by Earlyturtle (talk | contribs)

Michaelangelo from Bristol UK- human, ukuleleist, meddler, wwoofer, walker, tea drinker, sun-follower.

Hitchhiking experiences

Japan: 3100 km moving between and around Shikoku, Shimane, Fukuoka, Kagoshima, the Amami islands and Yakushima..
Much of this is detailed on my blog (March-May 2012)
Longest lift: Fukuoka to Kagoshima (282km)
Longest wait: 6 hours in Yakushima.

June-July 2014
9800 km Around Norway (started in Oslo), Germany and back to the UK.
74 lifts, average distance 132km.
Longest one-day distance: Oslo-Bremen (1045km)
Longest lift: Malmö - Cologne (795 km)


Email: earlyturtle (a) mac (d) com