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43 bytes added, 11:04, 3 April 2011
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In Magdeburg our group consisted of Julien, Elsy, Benjamin, Patryk and Jona - less people than expected, but the advantage was that discussions quickly lead to results. We're almost missing the endless discussions of last year :D .
We talked about the issues and topics that had been put down as an agenda and tried to evaluate the feedback from last year, but also talked about discussed different random topics.
Some of the ideas and points we talked about were
- promotion and social media
- having an early (maybe partially organisational) pre-meeting end of June or beginning of July, but way before the actual gathering
read the minutes. Most of it is unimportant chitchat, so we bolded out the relevant stuff. Scroll directly to it.
to get a better overview we recommend to have a look at the minutes and
So, that's a LOT of work, and we have good hope that ALL of it can be accomplished over the months before the gathering. And we can start with the traditional slogan suggestion page. Holy Kurrywurst! We don't have a slogan for 2011! Hitchhiker! To your keyboard: