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'''Rome''' is the capital of [[Italy]].
== Hitchhiking Hitching out ==
=== North towards [[Firenze]], [[Milano]] ===
Walk left up a ramp and there is a path (it is tremendously overgrown, however) and the bridge to your left. Once over the bridge, the petrol station is to your right, but you have to get through an overgrown field first.
Once there hitching should be good.
=== South towards [[Napoli]], [[Sicily]] ===
Just take bus 105 and then get off after 29 stops and follow the sign Napoli to your right and then at keep left at the tournabout. Bus stops are a good indication that you're on the right path. ''Via del Fosso del Cavaliere'' takes you to the other side of the motorway, and from there keep walking towards the gas station; you can enter it from the backside. Don't bother about "forbidden entrance". And now you can continue hitchhiking towards Napoli/Sicily.
=== East towards [[Pescara]], [[L 'Aquila]] ===
From Termini go by metro line B to Ponte Mammolo station, and there you can take bus 508 (that is first station) and go untill last station - Mondavio. That is one long ride and you will come close to crossroad of second ring of highway around Rome and highway from Rome to east [Pescara, L Aquila]. Actually from that last station (Mondavio),you have walking around 500m to highway and then choose left to toll (around 1000m) or right to gas station (the same distance). We were walking on the highway which is illegal, but we had a luck not to be caught by police. Link for buses and metro in Rome:
Link for map of gas stations on italian highways:
== Public transport ==
There were hardly any checks on tickets in buses, and you could even take a bus from [[Sabaudia]] (90 kilometers away) without paying for a ticket - until November 2007, when there was an increase in the number of officials checking for tickets on buses and trams in Roma. This is said to be a direct result of new systems in the metro requiring less man-power there. Just keep your eyes open, officials are easy to spot and thusly to avoid. In 2009, some people were fined in a tram; they were caught while they were leaving. You can buy tickets in bars or in news-stalls.
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