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356 bytes added, 04:39, 16 May 2012
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In and near large cities, it's illegal to hitchhike on interstates in Texas.
== Law ==
It is Sec. 552.007. SOLICITATION BY PEDESTRIANS. (a) A person may not illegal stand in a roadway to hitchhike solicit a ride, contribution, employment, or business from an occupant of a vehicle, except that a person may stand in a roadway to solicit a charitable contribution if authorized to do so by the local authority having jurisdiction over the roadway. As with most states, the definition of roadway allows for the solicitation of rides on the non-travelled portion of a highway such as the shoulder or berm. Texas. In fact it is one of the few states where you can actually stand right on the side of the Interstate with your thumb out. Cops may typically often offer to give you a ride rides out of their jurisdiction and call ahead to the next county to have them give you a ride. Often times, they will give you a ride without even checking your I.D.
== Experiences ==