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44 bytes added, 02:28, 26 March 2009
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==My philosophy on hitchhiking==
Hitchhiking for me is above everything a sport(as in mental exercise). It is not about cheap traveling but about sharing and meeting random people of whom some never turn out to be so random at all.
I believe also in 'hitchhiking karma'. Most of the time you end up getting those rides which - in one way or another - was meant for you at that time, for your driver, or for both of you.
I strongly believe in a hitchhiker with an active attitude; walking up to drivers and talk to them to ask them for a ride. Whether you are waiting at a service station, rest-area or simply at a roundabout or traffic lights where cars stop (though . But I recently had also believe in lying down in the grass, reading a ride with book, writing notes, taking a nap, and just waiting for a driver who explained me he only picks hitchers if they are not approaching him)to wake you up.
I highly recommend to at least speak some hitchhiking sentences in the language of the country where traveling.